Thursday, May 13, 2010

Trying to Keep it Together......

Today ...well...these past few weeks, I have been struggling to keep it together in the professional sense of that phrase.... I am finding it difficult that when someone is in need of my help, or inquires on one of my properties, or needs me to fax something .... you get the gist...or is it jist?.... I DO IT!!! I RESPOND!!!! pretty much...IMMEDIATELY.... good service...right?
Then can I ask... WHY ??? when I send an email, or a text or, leave a voicemail .etc.... requesting a response..or in need of help or information....I don't get the courtesy of a response???
(Okay...i asked... feel better now! )
Sorry...just NEEDED to vent, just a tad....
Does this ever happen to you?? I will "Keep Calm and Carry On"... and HOPE that this is just a phase....
By the way..check out Annechovie's blog and her etsy shop! SHE is amazing!


24 Corners said...

Hang in there Ivy!!! You are *not* alone in this! I don't know what it is about society today but lack of communication, especially in the professional realm has become an epidemic!
You just carry on being the well mannered professional, someone has to....and all the best with the "discipline" of keeping calm! ;) xo J~

brock street said...

sometimes this test of patience just gets under your skin.
i too understand the lack of respect and common courtesy, but like 24 said...carry on and keep being you.

Ivy Lane said...

I love you guys! thanks!!

Purple Flowers said...

I don't know why some people don't recipercate in a business mode the way I do, however, it's a fact of life. I think I expect them to be like me, and that's a mistake. They are who they are.

Ivy Lane said...

Thanks peeps! all better now! I am calm and can carry on!!!!

annechovie said...

Aw, you are the best! Thanks so much for the mention and also for all of your sweet and supportive comments lately. I hope that people are more considerate of you....good will come back your way, eventually. xo