I was going to do a St. Patrick's Day themed post today, but yesterday I found out about a very beautiful young lady via Waterrose. This extra special girl's name is Satori. She's 10 years old. Just look at the sparkle in her eyes and the spirit dancing across her face!Satori has Spinal Muscular Atrophy (type II) She uses a power wheelchair, can't walk, crawl, etc.On March 31st she and her family will be traveling to California so that she can have a full spinal fusion. Melissa, Satori's loving mom, is asking everyone who can to send a postcard to her daughter. She will be in the hospital for 7-10 days and the postcards would help keep her occupied while trying to get better.If you can help, here is the address, or click the following link and it will go to the Postcards for Satori blog. This is how the postcard should be addressed:Satori Lewis Surgery date 3-31-10Davis 7 PediatricsUC Davis Children's Hospital2315 Stockton Blvd.Sacramento, CA 95817 USA**Be sure to include the surgery date**
Hi All.... Check out Fringe and let's ALL help Satori!!!!!!!
1 comment:
She is so adorable! What a great idea, I will get my pen out!
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