Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dear Rachel....

Please get some help.... I am truly worried about you and your health. You inspire so many people with your passion for fashion and your unbelieveable work ethic...... Prayers to you!

(I normally would never post something like this...but I am truly disturbed... not in a judgemental way...If this is Rachel's normal weight, then so be it... but I think we all feel otherwise..... Here's hoping she gets healthy... or those around her step in and help..don't know what the answer is..but I hope she finds it! )


Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

...And the camera adds ten pounds...oh my.

Ivy Lane said...

Oh my is right...

Unknown said...

that's painful to see.

Unknown said...

that picture of Rachel is almost difficult to look at...can it really be? yikes. sad.
xoxo alison